Japanese voices+beautiful art and lovely story line!!! Worth every penny!!!
Japanese voices+beautiful art and lovely story line!!! Worth every penny!!!
the art is so good and the voices match
I really enjoy the game but I cant seem to unlock the joker route it would be great if someone me one told me how to unlock it. Also I got all of the good endings.
Ive tried on two different iPads. The game just doesnt have any sound.
To those who may be uncertain about buying, know that like most otome, every choice you make has consequences which affect the ending you get. Unlike most otome though, Amnesia gives you not only a "happy" and "good" ending, but also a "bad" one. Most of the routes are somewhat morbid and some characters have a (potentially) psychotic side, so depending on your choices in some routes, you can get either a happy proposal or you can get murdered. That may scare off some who are used to getting only two positive endings in games from Voltage or Genius, but believe me, this is worth it! The stories are extremely well-written and the Japanese voice acting is also very good. Its got mystery and some suspense, and the romance isnt pushed in your face, which is good because Voltage does that waaaay too much imo. My only beefs are that Orion can talk too much and the manager didnt get his own route, since hes kind of an odd character too, but other than that I really love this game (even if I get the bad endings first and need guides to get the good ones). I completed the game backwards, so I like Kent and Toma the most, and Shin just seems like hes in constant b**** mode so I dont care for him
Its an amazing game. 10/10 art and voice acting is beautiful. I just kind of wished that Orion had a route, even though hes just the little spirit in our head. When playing the Shin route, I loved it and Im currently on the Toma route which is amazing. But there is a bad thing, I can no longer access Ukyos route. I only get the four main options, and no green haired Ukyo route. Please fix this.
Amazing high quality release. I cant thank the team that localized this enough. Definitely worth the price. Ive been dreaming that a full otome game would get released on iOS forever. (Besides Hakuoki) thank you so much I cant say it enough. I hope to see more otome games adapted for this platform in the future!!
Theres no reason to keep visual novels on PSP anymore. Please keep adapting!
I first knew about Amnesia through the anime. I watched it and I enjoyed it despite the occasional confusing plot. When I heard there was an app for it, I knew I had to play it. It was defiantly worth the cost! Every story route I found to have either great character development or an interesting story line. My favorites overall were defiantly Ikki and Ukyo. I do highly recommend this app for anyone who is interested in trying it out or enjoy playing otome games. :)
BEST OTOME GAME I EVER PLAYED!!!! I seriously love how the stories are dark and are way different from the other otome games Ive played. This app seriously made me think before I chose my answers and the ending were totally worth all the effort.
Up until now I have been playing the "shall we date" series. Im very happy that a popular otaku game from Japan has been translated into English, and better yet, its available for the iOS! So happy! I have loved playing this game. I do hope that the company decides to translate the rest of this series and makes it available for the iOS like this one.
OMG!! Thank you sooooo much for releasing this!!! I love you
With the amount of horrible endings in this game? Youre joking surely right? Also whats with the tiny tiny text. I play on Ipad and Hakuoki had beautiful thick font that was a joy to read. This font is thin and annoying. And theres a whole bunch of wasted space on ipad. I get that its for phones but surely a big text option for ipad isnt too much to ask?
Hurray! Not only hakuouki but amnesia as well!!! Thank you so ,u have for bringing this over to the U.S. Market!!!
I love hakuouki I m so happy that u guy translated more otome games finished kens route <3 love it cant wait to play tomo ^^
I have been dreaming of buying this game . Thank you for making my dream come true . The game graphics are gorgeous. Characters are very beautiful. The story is amazing . Music is very pretty . I love this game so much . I dont regret buying it . I recommend this game to anyone who likes amazing Otome game . I love this game . Please bring more apps like this one . Like Uta no Prince-sama , and Amnesia : Later . Thank you for this game . I love it . Especially I love Shins route . And also the fact that all characters have voices and you can hear them , is wonderful . Overall I love this app
First, thank you so much for bringing Amnesia and Hakuoki to the App Store! Its great for us fans that dont have another system to play the games on. I cant wait to see what other Idea Factory games get translated and released here
I love Idea factory games and I loved this one a lot !!! Its worth the price ! However Im waiting for diabolik lovers! I hope that you will release it in English and in the App Store!! Im waiting! Thank you .
I AM SO HAPPY THIS WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO ME!! I have been dreaming about playing this game as soon as I saw the anime. Thank you so much!! Its lovely and I LOVE all the dark endings and twisted characters. Those of you who are unfamiliar with the game need to keep in mind that there are some twisted themes and characters and you should be prepared going into the game that there are two bad endings one good one and a normal one. So no complaints about how you were upset about the outcome and darker themes. That is how the game is. Any way I love this game and I hope more like it are put up!!!
Definitely consider buying the full game. To unlock a "true" ending to the story, you need to play each character route and get their best endings as well as view their extra material. In the long run, buying the full version is a lot cheaper than paying for each chapter. Story is good, and Im used to playing stuff like the Shall We Date series, so I like that this one is a little more serious and sometimes creepy! (Toma should come with a content warning, that guy is messed up) Im SO glad more of Otomate/Factory games are coming over! Thank you!